A royal mistress, Vaishali, is sent to bring sage Rishyasringa to the kingdom of Anga. After Rishyasringa follows Vaishali, he performs the...
Saleena is happily married to Mathew , a wealthy estate owner. Inexplicably she commits suicide much to the shock of Mathew. He firmly believes that...
The film is an esoteric fantasy about a girl and her passion for a celestial lover, who keeps appearing from a wooden statue that she found on a...
Njan Gandharvan
Kunjoottan, a village simpleton, is not allowed to go out of his house as his overprotective father dreamt of a mishap befalling Kunjoottan. But he...
Nagarangalil Chennu Raparkam
Love story about an actress falling in love with her costar
Mahesh Deshmukh has joined the nation's armed forces as that he can honestly and patriotically serve the country. During his college days he has a...