Passionate Ishana falls madly in love with Ramisa. As their love grows stronger by the day, fate plays the villain and throws one hurdle after...
Phantom is an action thriller that unfolds across various countries around the world. The plot revolves around protagonist Daniyal, whose journey to...
Roohi is set in a fictional town of North India. The film revolves around two small-town boys Bhaura and Kattanni who are stuck in a forest with...
Goga and Kamal want to marry, but Kamal's grandmother opposes it. Goga prays for her death and it comes true, but then sees her ghost. Only Goga can...
Kade Dade Diyan Kade Pote Diyan
Babloo bachelor is a comedy genre film, in which Sharman Joshi is playing the protagonist. The story of the film is based on UP, where a well to do...
Babloo Bachelor
A small-town girl from MP, Manokamna, gets a decent-paying job. But the work requires her to sell condoms. Will she be able to voice her beliefs...
Janhit Mein Jaari
A clerical error at the marriage registrar’s office leads to an unexpected twist in the life of four people. Will the two couples manage to...
Odd Couple
An egoistic real estate broker in huge debts, meets with an accident. As he gains consciousness, he realizes that he is in heaven. God appears before...
Thank God
In the merciless Chambal ravines, a regular girl must outwit hardcore dacoits to survive one night before any help comes her way.
A hardened cop deals with three conflicting perspectives involving a brutal double murder. The case is complicated as the prime suspects are the...
Set in the city of Uttar Pradesh and based on true events, the plot revolves around Dr. Shrinivas Ramchandra Siras who taught Marathi at Aligarh...
Ronny is a rebellious man, who falls in love with Sia but circumstances separate them. Years later, Ronny learns that Sia is abducted by a martial...
Chutney is a short film written and directed by Jyoti Kapur Das. Produced by Tisca Chopra The stars Adil Hussain and Tisca Chopra in the lead.
The story revolves around a young couple in love, who run away from the rivalry of their families. The drama begins when they book a hotel and...
Golak Bugni Bank Te Batua
When the matriarch of a dysfunctional family wakes up after a long induced coma, the members of the household set aside their differences to help her...
Door Ke Darshan
Mita and Raj Batra, an affluent couple from Delhi’s Chandni Chowk, are grappling with getting their daughter admission into an English medium...
Hindi Medium
A young man in Delhi tries to break free from his controlling brothers.