Jessie Wallace stars in this BBC drama based on the turbulent life and times of Marie Lloyd, known as the 'Queen of the Music Hall', who was famous...
Miss Marie Lloyd: Queen of the Music Hall
Alan and Tricia Hamilton are blissfully happy. Until one day their perfect life is torn apart when Alan steps in front of a passing car, and he is...
Angelina and her ballet class are putting on a special performance of Sleeping Beauty at the Royal Palace. When the production isn't going as...
Angelina Ballerina: Angelina's Princess Dance
This is the story of Dame Barbara Windsor, the Cockney kid with a dazzling smile and talent to match. Preparing to perform in the theatre one cold...
With his parents on a getaway, Horrid Henry is chosen for the Brainbox of the Year contest and faces off against his nemesis alongside a quirky team.
Horrid Henry's Wild Weekend
Worlds collide when Henry makes plans to spend Saturday on the sofa watching a "Gross Class Zero" marathon — and his favorite...
Horrid Henry's Gross Day Out