In the wake of a horrific car accident that kills her husband, Michael, expectant mother Madeline Matheson discovers that her daughter, Grace, has...
An upper-middle-class couple's life is destroyed when their only child is kidnapped and killed. Obsessed with revenge, the couple seizes an...
The Tortured
Contestants in a reality-show travel back in time to fix past mistakes while audience members cast their votes.
The Time is Right
Complications arise when family and friends gather for a gay couple's backyard wedding.
Katie, a shy newspaper accountant submits a reply to a "Dear Viola" letter to the editor that she works for, anonymously. She has a real knack for...
Dear Viola
When Elizabeth is abducted by a fugitive sexual predator, she realizes she must take matters into her own hands and plot her escape. Based on a true...
Girl in the Bunker
When the coach of the France soccer team is killed by a poisoned dart in the stadium in the end of a game, and his expensive and huge ring with the...
The Pink Panther
A small town is taken over by an alien plague, turning residents into zombies and all forms of mutant monsters.