The story revolves around a 13 year old Guddu who works as a helper at a tea stall. His father, an ex musician is a penniless alcoholic, and his...
Atkan Chatkan
After deciding to part ways with her husband, Professor Saudamini leaves along with her daughter and her mother-in-law, who is suffering from...
Welcome Home
Ajay and Ketaki decide to get married in court after the constant clashes of egos between their respective families. Things complicate after their...
I Don't Have Any Problem
A film about social norms, generation gaps, second chances and the tough choices that parents make for their children and sometimes when children...
& Jara Hatke
Chef Nissim, a millennial in Mumbai, finds himself at a crossroads in his love life-- Chef Gowri is a feisty go-getter who likes to live life off the...
Medium Spicy
Vishvanath and Sudha's lives take an ugly turn when they lose their only son in a train bombing. Sudha has a nervous breakdown and Vishvanath takes...
Maai Baap
Coffee is a symbol of freshness and energy. Having a coffee is a wonderful experience, Actually it has very different taste, a little bitter a little...
A Paying Ghost (PG) is a story based on a famous novel "Badali" authored by Vasant Purushottam Kale (V.P Kale). The story narrates the interaction...
A Paying Ghost
Bioscope is an anthology film having 4 short films inspired from 4 poems.
Shyamal and Vidhyadhar, an old couple, find themselves in a dilemma when they have to leave the house where they spent their entire married life to...
Home Sweet Home
A hero policeman shunted to a punishment posting as the Dean of the police academy decides to punish the corrupt bureaucracy and its criminal allies...
Class of '83
The film is a poignant father- son story set in Ujjain. Inspired by true life, it deals with the sensitivity of unemployment, the selfless love of a...
Sab Moh Maaya Hai