Simon lives with his aging father Joseph in the south of France. When a massive wildfire devastates their tree-covered coastal region and as the...
The Blaze
Fatale Déliss, a radio host in Saint-Tropez, takes Tom Lamortigue, her lawyer, hostage, and threatens to kill him if he does not succeed in...
Fatale Déliss
A septuagenarian widow feels revived by an old painter with whom she falls in love.
La Femme coquelicot
Compulsive spenders Albert and Bruno are in debt up to their necks. While seeking help from community workers to get their lives back on track, they...
A Difficult Year
Desperate to break free from the poverty of his homeland, Elias boards a ramshackle people-smuggling trawler to France. But when the boat is raided...
Eden Is West
Hélène is a forty-year-old woman who becomes amnesic after a period in a coma. She then discovers that she lives with Nicolas, her...