Aranjali is all set to celebrate the annual temple festival. Some unforeseen chain of events involving an elephant, a few young men, a notorious...
Muthuvel Pandian, a retired, stern yet compassionate jailer lives a peaceful life with his family, but trouble knocks his door when his cop...
Lenny, a crime reporter, makes a life-altering choice to pocket a case of stolen jewels to transform his mundane life. However, his good fortune...
Four brothers living in the fishing hamlet of Kumbalangi share a love-hate relationship with each other. Their relationship progresses to another...
Kumbalangi Nights
Cops of Paramedu Police Station encounter a series of events while they are on a mission to improve the image of Kerala Police, by making it people...
Lord Krishna wants 'fraudster' driver Abhinandan to change his ways and offers in return to fulfil his one wish; to appear in his Vishwaroopam.
Innu Muthal