In 1947, among the ruins of war and in anticipation of a catastrophic flood, the locals of a Vojvodina village find themselves caught between the...
Breakfast with the Devil
A group of musicians, whose band is called "Balkan express", in fact a quintet of small-time crooks , trying to make some money in Nazi-occupied...
Balkan Express 2
A community nurse Ema comes to work in a small village in the lowlands as a replacement, where she discovers the diary that her antecedent left...
Ekran sneži
An adaptation of a well-known novel by Hungarian writer Lajos Zilahy.
Mortal Spring
In one Vojvodinian castle, the preparations for the play that will be performed by members of the Association of the blind are in the process. The...
The Jews Are Coming
In the summer of 1991 the war broke out in Croatia. In a holiday house in Fruška Gora hills in Serbia, near the border with Croatia, a group...
The Party