Brittany, while attending her “Divorce Party Weekend,” meets a handsome stranger named Jake. On the surface, he appears to be everything...
Love Triangle Nightmare
Three adolescent boys become captivated by the queer nightlife over summer break, but a missing person pulls them back into the reality they tried to...
Ontario - 1972. Miles, a young theatre actor from Toronto, arrives in Huron County at the home of Angus and Morgan, two aging bachelor farmers. Miles...
The Drawer Boy
On a long summer's day in Toronto, a young woman cycles between increasingly intimate encounters with three diverse individuals, but remains trapped...
Loretta's Flowers
A woman falls in love with a man who is charming and seems too good to be true until his deadly secrets are revealed.
My Mother's Killer Boyfriend
Veronica wants to remain in jail for a sexual assault she knows she's been wrongfully indicted for. She and her father, Jim, find themselves acting...
Guest of Honour
A young finger puppet retrieves a lost letter written by her deceased brother while her parents struggle to cope with their grief.
I Must Be Going
A 12-year-old girl becomes jealous when her adoptive father develops a budding relationship with a woman and her teenage son.
Daddy's Perfect Little Girl