This film deals with the aftermath of the Algerian war of liberation. Georges Montero, an Algerian-born Frenchman, manages an olive canning factory...
The Other Shore
On the banks of the Ardèche, near Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, kayakers find the body of the museum president of a recently discovered Paleolithic cave....
Le Secret de la grotte
The film revolves around the life of the martyr Mustapha Ben Bouleid (1917-1956), who was a member of the Algerian National Movement, who worked with...
Mostefa Ben Boulaïd
In Algiers in 1993, while the civil war is starting, Mrs Osmane's tenants have to endure her bad temper. Her husband left her and the fear to lose...
The Harem of Madame Osmane
Two travelers, Boualem and Sekfali, cross the hostile and endless desert. Boualem pulls a cart on which old books, pictures, relics and memories of...
Boualem Zid El Goudam