"Spacedisco One" is a sequel to both "Logan's Run" and "1984" at the same time with Orwell's Winston Smith running into the daughters of Logan 5 and...
SpaceDisco One
Der Himmel kann warten
Bikers, Nazis, Mafiosi, and the FBI all clash in this wild and wooly exploitation picture from director Al Adamson. Mark Adams (John Gabriel) is an...
Hell's Bloody Devils
In a small Mississippi town in 1916, an eccentric spinster battles her romantic yearnings for the randy boy next door.
Summer and Smoke
World War II drama where the action centers around a single maneuver by a squad of GIs in retaliation against the force of the German Siegfried line....
Hell Is for Heroes
A down and out actor plays the role of his life as he trades places with his hit man brother.
The Other Way