Documentary-maker Simon King follows a family of meerkats in the Tswalu National Park in South Africa, winning their trust and using modern filming...
Meerkats: Part of the Team
Wildlife documentary. Simon King has spent four years helping to raise two orphaned cheetah cubs, Toki and Sambu. Sambu was killed by lions, but Toki...
Toki's Tale
Documented in television documentaries for over 40 years by the BBC and other broadcasters around the world, the Marsh Pride is the most filmed pride...
Lion: The Rise and Fall of the Marsh Pride
For two years Simon King takes on the role of mother to two male cheetah cubs, Toki and Sambu, orphaned when their mother was killed by a lion
Cheetahs: Fast Track to Freedom
A look at the tenuous life of the urban Badger, living off its human neighbours as urban devlopment enchroaches on the lands they have traditionally...