Lucy, a 19-year old law student and intern at a Swiss television network in Geneva, comes across her double in archival footage about the...
In the middle of a performance at la Comédie-Française, an actor dies on stage, poisoned. Martin, member of the troupe and friend of...
The Green Perfume
Whaling has been around for centuries. It seems to be the fruit of man’s violence, destroying himself by destroying nature. Accompanying the...
All Effort of Men
Andreas will soon be twenty. It’s a special moment in which the threads of his life become inextricably entwined into a knot. Entering the...
Paris, in the early 1990s: a group of young activists is desperately tied to finding the cure against an unknown lethal disease. They target the...
BPM (Beats per Minute)
A shadow in the woods, a sunny summer afternoon. Antoine and Philippe part without saying goodbye. That same day, a blond girl writes their names on...
Ghosts of Yesterday
In his classroom a philosophy teacher opens the discussion on the place of religion in society. Out of his course he faces the realities of the...
Two young men are playing in a bathtub. Then a third and fourth slip in to join them. They are called Émile and they are looking for their...
Émile de 1 à 5
Progressing from movement workshops led by dancer Dimitri Chamblas, choreographer Mathilde Monnier and performer Yves-Noel Genod into a multi-layered...
UFE (Unfilmévénement)
Carnival in a small town: Margaux, Louisa and Théo are getting ready for a night out. They put on their costumes, drink too much. Each one of...
Ma nouvelle Héloïse
A drama set at a Swiss ski resort and centered on a boy who supports his sister by stealing from wealthy guests.