In a desolate world, in a city of madness, José Ditirambo is a wolf among wolves, a fury among furies, an intrepid journalist whose favorite...
Ditirambo vela por nosotros
A young woman who lives with her uncle begins to dream about a monster that lurks in the shadows of the night.
El horrible ser nunca visto
Un amor extraño
Four young ladies, four fiances, nine crises. Then, the big day.
Chicas casaderas
Mauricio is a photographer that works for a very important advertisement company. It all starts with Mauricio's work being criticized by the...
Click, fotógrafo de modelos
Mr. Quevedo is a public relationist in a real estate company managed by Mr. Cepeda. Mr. Cepeda has become rich through fraudulent practices. Mr....
Música de Viento
The discovery of a young woman murdered in her car triggers unrelated problems among a diverse group of people.
Ellas también son rebeldes
The story of Nora, a poor but ambitious young woman, who uses her beauty to seduce a rich and married lawyer.
Senda prohibida
A young girl's husband rents a lovely home just outside of Madrid so she can spend the last three months of her pregnancy in peace and luxury....
That House in the Outskirts
Marilyne, a young French girl, is studying in Paris, where she lives a quiet and peaceful life in the company of Herve, a young faculty member. Her...
Le c... de Marilyne
Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1983. In the last and turbulent days of the military dictatorship, Alicia, a high school history teacher, begins to ask...
The Official Story
Vicky loves Ricardo but Ricardo loves Barbara. So, Vicky goes to a gypsy witch who convinces her she must make a pact with Satan in order to cast an...
Cautivo del mas allá