The young factory girl Milja comes in disaster on board fishing with Julius, who fails her for the beautiful and unreliable Petrina. The people from...
Mr. Fumblebody is a clumsy, but kindhearted unemployed lawyer who picks a fight with the powerfull and reckless Rex Dobbermann. Mr. Dobbermann has...
Fomlesen i kattepine
Sebastian's world is full of raw violence and cynicism. He'll go to any length to fulfill his dream of a life in absolute luxury. But then he'll have...
Sebastian's World
En liten gutt er på flukt gjennom jungelen. Marco heter han og er Pinkys lillebror. Pinky og Sunniva har dratt av sted for å prøve...
Kaptein Sabeltann og jakten på den magiske diamant