While visiting a friend at the hospital, Momo, a jobless comedian, meets Michel, the director of an unpaid clown's association, who visit sick...
Le grand cirque
Seeking for his dog mysteriously disappeared, a lonely thirty-year-old paces up and down the streets of his repressed past. When his long-lost...
Jean-Pierre and his wife Blanche live a quiet but happy life in their small Belgian town. But their world is shattered when their young son goes...
Feathers in My Head
Déborah, in her thirties, is stuck in a hospital bed following a car accident. As she tries to warn her spouse, she feels a presence in the...
A 17-year-old girl who has just discovered that she is pregnant is obliged to take her outspoken grandmother along on a driving lesson.
Driving Lesson
In Justine’s family everyone is a vet and a vegetarian. At 16, she’s a gifted teen ready to take on her first year in vet school, where...
Simon, wrecked by a love sorrow, overflows with sadness. He literally starts to shed all the tears of his whole body. Constantly soaked head to foot,...
Simon Cries
Dans la peau d'une grande
While looking for his concert outfit, Alexander will meet two refugees that his roommate had housed the day before. Meeting the other, Alex will...