The arrival of gorgeous and enigmatic Luella Miller instantly disrupts the social balance of a small New Zealand town in this spine-tingling...
Luella Miller
One-time Maori speed-chess champ, Genesis Potini, lives with a bi-polar disorder and must overcome prejudice and violence in the battle to save his...
The Dark Horse
Secret data on a mysterious disc is passed from deadly assassin to deadly assassin in a never-ending game of cat, mouse and round-house kick to the...
Bigger Fish
Charlie once made a living as a traveling magician. His picture-perfect marriage and family, though, has been torn asunder by a crippling loss. What...
Everything We Loved
Five American mobsters sit in a diner and discuss the sexual politics of the fairytale: "Little Red Riding Hood".
Big Bad Wolves
Fast-forward five years and things havent quite gone as the boys might have planned: Albert is now married to Tania and they are living in suburbia,...
Sione's 2: Unfinished Business
Recently divorced Carl and Julie are not on good terms. When their 19-year-old daughter goes missing in India, they must journey into the Himalayas...
Beyond the Known World
Fed up with the materialism of Christmas, Santa runs away to New Zealand for a summer holiday. When two Kiwi kids figure out who he is, they have to...
Kiwi Christmas