While the leader is in jail, his leftist group is controlled by his girlfriend, but her leadership lacks conviction and perspective. When the leader...
Kichiku: Banquet of the Beasts
Third installment of the Deka Matsuri omnibus series. 11 films made under the conditions: "the main character must be a detective" "the length must...
Most Dangerous Deka Matsuri
The film tells the story of a Drive-In worker and a young tramp who has been left alone by her boyfriend somewhere in Hokkaido. Things seem to work...
Hole in the Sky
A awkward burglar believes that he has taken control of a small roadside stand and the woman who runs it. She is in control most of the time, in love...
The Volatile Woman
Hoping to catch a girl's attention, high school students Ken and Adama cook up an ambitious plan. They plan a festival that combines film, theater,...