Duk-soo lost his father and younger sister while taking refuge during the Korean War. He leaves for Germany to work as a miner and enters the Vietnam...
Ode to My Father
It tells a story about a bar owner and an abused child joining forces to maintain possession of a money bag they pick up serendipitously. Madam Jung...
Madame Jung’s Last Week
Under the oppressive Japanese colonial rule, Deok-hye, the last Princess of the declining Joseon Dynasty, is forced to move to Japan. She spends her...
The Last Princess
The mother of a missing child takes in a lost girl she finds in the woods, but soon begins to wonder if she is even human.
The Mimic
Film director Yeon-woo has a hard time ever since his daughter died a few years ago. Unable to forget her, Yeon-woo writes a screenplay about his...
The Nightmare