Mansor Akob's comedy stars Zizan Raja Lawak as a man named Afik who becomes mentally unbalanced after the death of his stepsister, Amy. In his...
Baik Giler
Also known as "Ponti Vs Omi", Afdlin Shauki's latest comedy tells the story of a rivalry between two supernatural beings, a Pontianak (Vampire) and a...
Pontianak Vs Orang Minyak
Hisham is under a lot of stress due to heavy workload and dissapointment with his girlfriend, Azura. Faridah, an illegal immigrant who works as a...
The story focuses on Bujang who has to find a wife before his wealthy father Datuk Azlan turns 65. The problem with Bujang is that he won’t...
Bujang Senang
The film is about the close friendship between the second Malaysian prime minister, Tun Abdul Razak and his deputy, Tun Dr Ismail. They were...
Tanda Putera
The tale begins when Dr. Suzana, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Taib Siron, created a machine named BS21 which is capable of reading people's...
Brainscan: Aku Dan Topi Ajaib
Since her love was destroted by Remy, Tifa vowed not to trust man anymore. She was disappointed when Remy whom she trusted played second fiddle. Tifa...
Cinta Kita
This film is about Ahmad Daniel and Nurul Ain's love for each other. Through thick and thin, they have managed to keep in touch through phone calls,...
Soalnya Siapa?
"Gila-Gila Pengantin Popular" tells the story of a young man named Zul who is engaged to Fatima. While they are planning their wedding, Fatima is...
Gila-gila Pengantin Popular
Azam, who is convicted on charges of robbery is finally released after serving a 17-year sentence. With hopes of starting life anew, he hopes to...
Hattan, a truck driver often delivers goods from the Seremban to Kuala Pilah. Every time he went there, he would ceaselessly stop at one place to...
Dari Kekasih Kepada Kekasih
The film tells the story of an issuer with a set of scripts. He is in the process of producing a horror movie, but having trouble to get a movie...
Skrip 7707
A romantic comedy about Adira, a popular love-adviser-vlogger who wrote a book; 'How To Win A Man's Heart in 7 Days' being challenged by another...
7 Hari Kisah Cinta Langkawi