Two very distinct individuals, Isha and Vismay, fall head over heels for one other, but once they begin living together, they find it challenging to...
I Wish
An emotional journey of a prison warden, driven by a personal vendetta while keeping up to a promise made years ago, recruits inmates to commit...
The residents of a village are being driven out of their homes for the sake of a new building by the politician-builder nexus, but one man tries to...
Three friends stuck in financial crises, come up with an idiotic plan to transform a simple middle-class house into a secret gambling den. A series...
3 Ekka
A typical middle-class 70-year-old widower, Atmaram Dubey, who has been celibate for decades, realises he will probably never have sex. This...
Thai Massage
Varun and Komal meet in collage, fall in love and decide to marry despite their unsupportive families. It's about togetherness, standing between...
Vanilla Ice Cream
The Plot revolves around three P’s – Paisa (Money), Property & Pyaar (Love). Hardik and Bhavik, friends for life are ambitious young men...