This film by Dharma Aizat tells of the tales told by those who experienced strange and mysterious happenings while travelling through Jalan Puncak...
Jalan Puncak Alam
Tumulak, a murderer sent by his employer, Kimpedu, to curb the secret societies in Malaysia, especially in Kuala Lumpur. At that time, Kuala Lumpur...
In yet another sequel to the franchise, "Senario The Movie Ops Pocot" continues the tale of three guys who are always being bullied. Azli is single...
Senario The Movie: Ops Pocot
The sequel to the successful "Adnan Sempit" by Ismail Bob Hashim in 2010 which told the story of Adnan, an orphaned street biker who is cared for by...
Adnan Sempit 2
Known as Nan Sempit by his friends, Adnan (Shaheizy Sam) is an orphan and a 'mat rempit' who decides to move to the big city in Kuala Lumpur after...
Adnan Semp-It