Directed by Edu Felistoque and Erik de Castro, the film "Amado" was inspired by a real events. Blind to color, creed or sex, the police officer...
In a dystopian future, Talita Shinkai, a sector defender, finds herself frustrated with the end of the investigations of a case: the defense of 27...
André is a young doctor who, after spending a year working in Africa, discovers that he has been exchanging letters not with his long-time...
Suspension Points
While waiting for a kidney transplant, a young pianist finds an unexpected connection with her doctor — and the courage to fulfill her musical...
Beyond the Universe
A TV reporter accidentally finds, in the subway's Lost and Found, a love letter addressed to a woman, written more than fifty years ago.
Lost and Found
Diogo (17) has a little quirk: he likes to call his mother's female therapy patients and masturbate while listening to them on the phone. One of...
The Other End
The life story of Brazilian football legend, Pele.
Pelé: Birth of a Legend
Five brothers end up being raised by their older brother after their mother's death. One day, as adults, they receive the news that a comatose man in...
Rio de Sangue