A young man from a very wealthy family in the upcountry, while training at the Diyathalawa Military Academy, has a love affair with Ashawari, the...
Abasiri’s wife Suddhi abandoned him and the village a long time ago. Now, Abasiri and his young friend Mani are summoned to identify a woman...
Twenty Eight
One person wins at life by bravely challenging his destiny; he is jailed for murder but released after a few years.
Yakada Pihatu
This is a tale weaving love, betrayal, and adventure. "Mandara" unfolds around the lives of sports star Mandara, engineer Vishwa, orphan heiress...
Dreams Without My Tears
Ko Mark No Mark is a 2014 Sri Lankan Sinhala comedy film directed by Jayaprakash Siwgurunadan and produced by Soma Edirisinghe for EAP Films. It...
Ko Mark No Mark
Samath's humble and patient demeanor is also highlighted in the movie and contrasts vehemently with the sense of entitlement we see in children...
Paha Samath
Two children discovered a rare power to see demons and spirits. They manage to communicate and befriend the demon which has a stick that gives...
Ran Kevita