The film follows two days in the life of a former child star who rose to fame nearly 20 years ago in a major sci-fi blockbuster. Overwhelmed by media...
Heir of the Galaxy
This is the extraordinary true story of Trudy Ederle, the first woman to successfully swim the English Channel. Through the steadfast support of her...
Young Woman and the Sea
For a long time, wealth adviser Elke and car mechanic Wastl were happy together. Until Elke gets involved more and more in dubious financial...
Gefangen: Der Fall K.
Kühn hat zu tun
For the handsome Sebastian life goes by easily. During the day he works in a fashion shop, in the evening he flirts through the clubs of the city....
A Song for Mia
The fate of Nora, a supermarket cashier who lives happily with her boyfriend Aron, and that of Natan, a loving father who works as a night watchman,...
Winterherz: Tod in einer kalten Nacht
Abandoned by his girlfriend for a lack of qualities, Flo has to decide what to do and where to go next. By chance, he meets Leonie, who has a heart...
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