A supertyphoon ravages the hometown of a family band composed of four boys, putting a halt to their musical pursuits. While taking refuge in a...
Bakwit Boys
“Traslacion: Ang Paglakad sa Altar ng Alanganin” focuses on four LGBT couples and their stand on equality and the right to marry. This...
Traslacion: Ang Paglakad sa Altar ng Alanganin
Filipino director Adolfo Alix Jr. returns to the Festival with this timely story of a couple caught up in Rodrigo Duterte’s violent war on...
Dark Is the Night
A lifestyle photographer, a student activist, and a relationship that developed amidst contrasting ideals and principles.
Alimuom ng Kahapon
A young psychiatrist ventures into a lone voyage to fight his depression. On the sea he records stories of people departed from this world...
Mia, a celebrated writer of romantic-comedy films, is at a turning point in her life which makes it difficult for her to believe that love could...
70-year-old Virginia shares the old ancestral house with Delia, her ever-loyal maid. Delia is marrying her long-time boyfriend, Rene, and tearfully...
College friends Derek and Mark slowly realize they mean more to each other than either had initially imagined. In the days leading up to Valentine's...
4 Days
The misadventures of three young men who try their luck in the college of law. As their friendship, families, relationships and convictions are...
Bar Boys