Turtles Forever is a made-for-tv animated movie. Produced in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise, the...
Turtles Forever
Inflatable eyes, a nose that sees and even a see-through head - this is a showcase for some of the strangest animal appendages on the planet.
World's Weirdest: Extreme Body Parts
After the conclusion of the Battle City Tournament, deep below the sands of Egypt, an ancient evil has awakened. Anubis, who was defeated centuries...
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie
A paraplegic's friends pay him an unannounced visit to challenge his secluded life.
The Last Day of August
A pair of former high school sweethearts reunite after many years when they return to visit their small hometown.
The Best of Me
Newlywed couple Ted and Tami-Lynn want to have a baby, but in order to qualify to be a parent, Ted will have to prove he's a person in a court of law.
Ted 2
Though Kevin has evidenced 23 personalities to his trusted psychiatrist, Dr. Fletcher, there remains one still submerged who is set to materialize...
In this special, a myterious evildoer is fed up with the bad guys losing to the good guys all the time. He steals the broadcast codes of the Fox Box...
The Fight for the Fox Box