The 26th Annual Ireland's Young Filmmaker of the Year, presented by Fresh International Film Festival, is hosted by Gemma Bradley and RTÉ's...
Ireland's Young Filmmaker of the Year
A lazy understudy shows up on the opening night of his school’s musical
This short film is about how the simple body of a camera brings a young boy's dream to life.
Meet Techinee Nawaing (19), Cian Newman (20), and Niamh Porter (24), three young creatives who joined the Junk Kouture community while in secondary...
Waking The Muse
Danny and Christopher clash when confronted with saying farewell to their childhood holiday home.
How To Say Goodbye
When Noah decides to play an innocent game with a roommate on his last day of summer camp, he makes a sobering discovery that puts his romantic...
Young teenager Matthew Rush finds himself on the lowest team his school has for rugby, the C subs. As well as that, an almost fail grade of 48% in...
Blood, Sweat and Tears
Aidan is a young influencer who commits dangerous stunts in return for online success. However, when his morals begin to challenge his work, he...
Broken Reflection
Filmed in homage to his original TV series, this fictionalised account follows Dave Allen from childhood to becoming one of the UK and Ireland's...
Dave Allen at Peace