After bouncing from foster home to foster home, a shy and non-verbal teen girl once suspected of murder is placed in a new home by a caring social...
Demonic Toys: Jack-Attack
After losing his wife during the birth of his second child, Levi is thrust into raising two young girls, alone. However, when forced to borrow money...
A Place Called Home
This comedy, set in 1983 in small town Virginia, centers around a 13 year old and her family. The story of a hairstyle gone incredibly wrong and a...
An immortal worshiper of an eldritch god turns his back upon the past, no matter the cost.
Two rapper childhood friends turn to the quick and easy life of crime to support their needy parents. But after a foiled robbery, one of them is...
Winner Takes All
Grayson is a young artist on the verge of major international success. To work on his next collection, titled ‘Ladybug’, without...
A self-absorbed young man is challenged to grow a conscience and change his ways in order to receive an inheritance.
The Ultimate Legacy
A young woman, Dakota, is trying to move on with her life and get away from her past after being rescued from a grim basement, where she was...
Her Worst Nightmare
A young woman enlists in an underground game of pain endurance in the hope of winning the million dollar prize. She soon learns the real opponent is...
The Odds