When adulthood looms, naivety fades, and a whole new, strange world opens up. These four beguiling European stories, from acclaimed film festivals...
New Queer Visions: The Last Days of Innocence
Dreams and reality collide as a young woman navigates a tumultuous relationship amid rising social tensions, protests and tragedies in Paris.
Paris Is Us
Alban lives in a ski resort with his mother. Each night, the teenager slips away to meet up with Julien – this boy who curiously has the same...
Following the death of her mother, a thirty-something woman discovers she was conceived through rape and vows revenge.
A Woman's Revenge
Isabelle, Parisian artist, divorced mother, is looking for love, true love, at last.
Let the Sunshine In
She is alcohol-phobic. He is a deep alcoholic. After their passionate night, Suze will find out she is allergic to her new friend. In this hyperbolic...
The intersecting lives of teens on a surfing trip, a woman with a weak heart and two teams of doctors and medical experts.
Heal the Living
Paulette lives alone in a housing project in the Paris suburbs. With her meager pension, she can no longer make ends meet.
An encounter. Between waves and cliffs. The night. In a week, he gets married. For years, she no longer believes in pleasure. They meet. They play....
The Night Belongs to Lovers
Nora and Léo, 16, live in the same town, in the same suburbs, go to the same highschool, but everything opposes them: their social...