A detective solves the puzzle box that releases the diabolical demon, Pinhead. As those around him begin to meet tragic fates, he sets out to conquer...
Hellraiser: Inferno
A bullied young boy befriends a young female vampire who lives in secrecy with her guardian. A remake of the movie “Let The Right One...
Let Me In
The Hangover crew heads to Thailand for Stu's wedding. After the disaster of a bachelor party in Las Vegas last year, Stu is playing it safe with a...
The Hangover Part II
When three friends finally come to after a raucous night of bachelor-party revelry, they find a baby in the closet and a tiger in the bathroom. But...
The Hangover
A young woman comes to a small town and starts to take vengeance through seduction and manipulation for the grave injustice that was done to her...
Jezebel's Kiss
This time, there's no wedding. No bachelor party. What could go wrong, right? But when the Wolfpack hits the road, all bets are off.
The Hangover Part III
A mentally disabled man gets help from a sociopath when he tries to reunite with his dying father, who years earlier disowned him.
Homer and Eddie
Elle Woods, a fashionable sorority queen, is dumped by her boyfriend. She decides to follow him to law school, but while there, she figures out that...
Legally Blonde
Emile Brockton enjoys TV, chicken pot pies, and...well, not much else. His life has become a meaningless procession of banal activities that prompt...
Dropping Out
At a high-school party, four friends find that losing their collective virginity isn't as easy as they had thought. But they still believe that they...
American Pie
This DVD release features six Christmas special episodes from Robot Chicken's hilariously outrageous 6 seasons, plus comes loaded with holiday-themed...
Robot Chicken: Christmas Specials
Rachel Keller is a journalist investigating a videotape that may have killed four teenagers. There is an urban legend about this tape: the viewer...
The Ring