A documentary based on Avantasia's Around the World in Twenty Days world tour, Avantasia's first world tour. Released in conjunction with the...
Around the World in Twenty Days - The Movie
The documentary shows the Maestro's entry into the Santa Marcelina Music College, where he met the friends with whom he would form Angra, and...
Andre Matos - Maestro do Rock - Episódio II
The Flying Opera is the first Avantasia live album by German power metal vocalist Tobias Sammet, released in March 2011. It was recorded during their...
Avantasia - The Flying Opera: Around the World in Twenty Days
One Cold Winter's Night was recorded on February 11th, 2006 at the historic Rockefeller Musichall in Oslo, Norway. Kamelot enlisted renowned film and...
Kamelot: One Cold Winter's Night
Live DVD released in 2003 by the metal band Shaman.
Shaman: RituAlive