In a sunny district of Naples where everyone knows each other, Mario and Lino, two inseparable friends, live day by day in the monotony of...
Blessed Boys
A Donatello Award nominated short drama that illustrates a man's addiction to reading - and of the steps taken by some in society to limit this...
The Book Junkie
Cara, ti amo...
E buonanotte - Storia del ragazzo senza sonno
Four tales, each centered on a woman, journey inward to explore the enigmatic reality of their lives, connecting through a single narrative thread.
Beyond the Clouds
Il leone di vetro
Guelfo is a Florentine noble who has never worked and has no money. On the death of his mother, he believes he can inherit a large fortune, but from...
Fratelli coltelli
A bunch of friends stuck in a mountain shelter during a snowstorm on a weekend. They will find out that the only way to be safe is to solve a...
Vado e vengo