Luka, a young and ambitious soldier, embeds himself in the legendary Fort Kairos where heroic warriors defend the remains of civilization. His hopes...
Alik, 25, has been raised by his grandfather, conductor of a renowned classical orchestra in post-Soviet Armenia where cultural institutions are...
Bravo Virtuoso
A phone call that puts the hero in front of a choice between life and death:
Tigran loses the girl he loves, then he participates in the war over Nagorno-Karabakh to overcome his inner fears.
The Line
The aftermath of a shocking explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power station made hundreds of people sacrifice their lives to clean up the site of...
Chernobyl: Abyss
Inspired by true events, this is a film about a childhood friendship, torn apart by the horrific Hamidian massacres infiltrated by the Ottoman Empire...
Songs of Solomon