Clips from assorted television programs, B-movies, commercials, music performances, newsreels, bloopers, satirical short films and promotional and...
The Movie Orgy
The Singer Duke Mitchell meets Sammy Petrillo in this parody of Martin & Lewis. They arrive on a jungle island, where a mad scientist played by Bela...
Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla
After earning his degree through a correspondence course, Stanley uses his newfound knowledge to help his neighbors reignite the flames of passion....
Keyholes Are for Peeping
Lugosi: Hollywood's Dracula uncovers the life and career of legendary actor Bela Lugosi, examining his early life in Hungary and Germany through his...
Lugosi: Hollywood's Dracula
Faux-mondo movie featuring sex, drugs, violence and the familiar dulcet tones of Joel Holt.
It's a Sick, Sick, Sick World
Sammy, a zookeeper, prepares to go on a vacation with his friend. He starts to tell his friend about what a good time he had on his last vacation,...
Dr. Bill Cortner and his fiancée, Jan Compton, are driving to his lab when they get into a horrible car accident. Compton is decapitated. But...
The Brain That Wouldn't Die
DEATH SCENES II continues the exploration into the dark recesses of violence and rage that ended in such heinous crimes as the Manson Family's...
Death Scenes 2