The life of Juulia, a Finnish parliamentarian, is suddenly turned upside down by the discovery of the betrayal by her husband Matias, a Protestant...
Four Little Adults
Guilt is a high concept thriller that follows Tomas, a man who joins a violent criminal gang in an attempt to find his sister. As he delves deeper...
Living in the Herttoniemi suburb in Eastern Helsinki, 12 year olds Antti and Muhis have been best friends since kindergarten. Muhis is from a Somali...
A carefree commitment phobic woman falls for a man with a small daughter whilst helping him to find a wife before he dies.
An overconfident chef makes wrong accusations of sabotage when a critic praises his colleague instead of him. The chef stays overnight in the kitchen...
The piece is a portrait of a narcissist. His boss and colleagues admire him and his ex-wife, mistress and girlfriend tell their view of him. The film...
Maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable: I simply am not there