The story of the film revolves around the life of a young man who despite living in poverty, is struggling to become a lawyer and then devoted his...
Le pote
Salah is a young delinquent who finds himself forced by a band of criminals who kidnapped his mother to carry out a dangerous transaction and...
French drama based on the 1996 kidnapping and killing of seven monks in Algeria. A group of Trappist monks reside in the monastery of Tibhirine in...
Of Gods and Men
In a desperate attempt to make their voices heard by the government, two men and a woman, living in difficult circumstances in the Tin Shacks, take a...
The film's events revolve around Khaled, who supports a family of three after his father's death and works as a taxi driver. His life is turned...
the clandestine
After Abbas and Sara became vagabonds they are trying to survive as they can. One day, they meet the pretty Sanae, a businesswoman. Abbas quickly...
After overwhelming grief hits a wealthy Casablanca family, a house servant travels to America to seek out their long lost son. He discovers a...
The Bandits
Abdou is tricked into an experiment by American researchers and is suddenly propelled into a distant civilization, that of the Almohad dynasty who...
Abdou With The Almohades
Najib, who lives in Morocco, envies his brother, an architect living in France for twenty years. For lack of money, he decides to join the hexagon,...
Un Marocain à Paris
The international festival of Arabic song invites the grandestar of the Egyptian song SAMI AHMED to animate the closing evening of the festival. He...
Akhenaten Fi Marrakesh