An animated documentary chronicling famed paranormal investigator Harry Price’s research at Borley Rectory, renowned as the ‘most haunted...
Borley Rectory
The dead rise with a hunger for living flesh, and cities are soon overrun. A family flees from the carnage and takes refuge in an isolated farmhouse...
Night of the Living Dead: Resurrection
An American girl, sent to the English countryside to stay with relatives, finds love and purpose while fighting for her survival as war envelops the...
How I Live Now
I am aged 7, I fear for my life. I run to a convent door. Cry for my Mother and Father. But they are no more... Now I am 21, locked in a swirling...
My Lonely Me
Regular guy Ed (Marcus Carroll) awakes one morning to find that his Grandmother has become one of the living dead. While trapped in his home Ed tries...
Granny of the Dead
After his last assignment ended with the death of an innocent woman, a hitman's new job in London is compromised when he is overcome with guilt, and...
A Hitman in London
British horror anthology with 9 different tales.
Blaze of Gory
A young girl, Ingrid (Sabrina Dickens) has been abused and disowned by her guardians and social workers. As she tries to get her life organised...
Is This Now
A filmmaker unthinkingly attempts to turn a real-world assault into art, more or less obliterating all of her relationships in the process.
The abandoned home of Wilfred Butler, a wealthy but troubled man who committed suicide in 1987, has been willed to his grandson, Jeffrey. The house...
Silent Night, Bloody Night: The Homecoming