This dreamy tale revolves around the breaking up of Noah and Alma. Noah does not want to let go of the moment and calls on sweet memories of their...
Adil Geht
The Farmer's Daughter is given a riddle to solve by the king: "Come to me, neither naked nor clothed, neither walking nor riding, nor driving,...
Die kluge Bauerntochter
Hanna and Simon are in a 20 year marriage with an unexciting relationship. By chance, they both meet and start separate affairs with Adam. Adam has...
Morbidity, absurdism and a oral fixation for young girls.
Hoch genug
Christmas Eve in Berlin Two people in a taxi. A mysterious woman, a grumpy driver. An encounter. In the end, an end but also a beginning.
Last Christmas
A young family in Berlin decides to go on an outing into the woods outside of town. Once in the countryside, the little daughter gets an unsettling...
The Outing
The story of a heart-broken young man can peek into the future and must act on it on the spot.
On Time