Noboru (Taku Manabe) finds himself in a very difficult situation. The factory he’s been working at has gone bankrupt. He heads to the...
Tenshi tsukinuke rokuchoume
Ikareta Baby
"Doremi" is a single-family house that runs quietly in a rural town with a lake. On the surface, it is a guest house that doubles as a residence for...
Temptation Prostitute of Sora and Shidod
Tamako graduated from a university in Tokyo, but she now lives with her father back in Kofu. Tamako doesn't help her father or tries to get a job....
Tamako in Moratorium
A film about making films, we follow the exploits of Kiriko, an indie film director who is struggling to make a road movie that ends on a beach. Why...
Inch Forward
Haruo, a director, auditions for a film already partially shot in Taiwan. Thus he meets Ma, a young Taiwanese skater just as disoriented as he is.
Out There