Adventure - At the outskirts of a tiny town deep in the desert, where a B-17 airplane rests next to a run-down, old diner, something peculiar is...
The Last Chance Detectives: Mystery Lights of Navajo Mesa
When Mike fails to show up by day's end, our young sleuths have their biggest and most important case yet. A cliffhanger to end all cliffhangers,...
The Last Chance Detectives: Escape from Fire Lake
It travels only at night, is taller than any person and has incredible strength. Can the legends about Bigfoot be true? When metal doors are ripped...
The Last Chance Detectives: Legend of the Desert Bigfoot
A local man attempts to take advantage of a global crisis by forming a proper cult. Like every good cult, there is a nefarious end game.
The Cult of Carano