The film revolves around social paradoxes in terms of betrayal, greed and the pursuit of power, which leads to a series of exciting events...
عفريت لكل مواطن
Set in the 70's, A middle-aged man, Adel is raised by his strict grandfather who he was deeply inspired by. he met his first love, Nadia who later...
The Crime
A university professor resorts to other options when his job gets out of hand.
Wa Tammat Aqualoh
The story follows Sultan, a boxer and trainer who works with his friend Saeed in a sports center. They find themselves in trouble when they stumble...
Ramzi works as a hotel servant and supports his family.As a result of the increasing financial burdens on him, he steals money from a hotel customer...
The Hell
The events revolve around a social context around parents’ injustice to their children, separating them and preferring some of them over...
Horses sleep standing up
A university girl living in a village flees from her stepfather's constant harassment to Cairo to work in an advertising agency, and later discovers...
The moon's tears
Fawzya suffers from the treatment of her husband Ahmed who doesn't pay her enough attention. After Ahmed refuses to divorce Fawzya, she decides to...
Those Gentlemen
The biography of the iconic leader Gamal Abdel Nasser, from his birth to igniting the revolution to the defeat of 67 and his disagreement with Abdel...
Gamal Abdel Nasser
sequel to Amohom 2022
Amohom 2 - A cool look
The story of the comedy is about a group of blind people who live in a place that is like hell and is not surrounded by any kind of care or...
A Point Of View
Three lawyers, brought by friendship but separated by interests, Fathi Nofal, who turns from a committed lawyer to an opportunist, while Ali...
Birds of Darkness
Teacher Hamza succeeds in winning the friendship of his pupils, the student Salah and his colleague Nadia ride a car to Jalal, Nadia's brother, they...
Mabrouk comes from his village to repair part of his uncle's flour machine, and on the train he meets Nawara. He helps her to escape from her uncle...
The Informant
Samia falls into the hands of Nawaem, who runs a brothel and drug trade. Love grows between her and the pimp Maher, and they decide to escape, but...
Bahr Al Awham