Following the trend for dangdut musicals, such as the successful ones starring Rhoma Irama, Elvy Sukaesih, and A. Rafiq, this film even features a...
Yeah, Right...
Gazali who lives in Kinabalu, Sabah, has an only child, Rozy Syahzam, who has just finished medical school. His wife had passed away when she gave...
Janjiku Pada Dia
Ateng is spoiled by his grandmother and this troubles his parents since Ateng is a little mentally challenged and needs special education from a...
Ateng Bikin Pusing
Ateng’s tomfoolery saves his employer from a robbery attempt by Bagio and his gang. He succeeds as he knows Bagio’s secret fear of cats....
Ateng Sok Aksi
Ateng has felt how difficult it is to live with his stepmother. He is often being shouted at and even gets slapped. His father never stands by him....
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