The story centres around a group of friends gather to celebrate Kali's birthday, but the celebration soon takes an unexpected turn. As the night...
What Happened to Kali
A step back in time to witness the origins of the mysterious Mr. X and witness the events that led to the creation of the infamous C600.
C600: Step Back in Time
When Swedish student Elin Ersson boards a flight to Istanbul, the passengers include an asylum seeker being deported to a perilous future in...
A group of people find themselves trapped in a prison facility used to contain prehistoric creatures. Knowing that they could become the deadly...
Dinosaur Prison
C600 Chapter 4 is on a whole new level of this epic sci-fi series. We see what happens to the agents from the events at the end of Chapter 2. (While...
C600: The Singularity
'Inertia' tells the story of one woman's navigation through a nocturnal city on her way home after drinks with colleagues. The film also examines how...
An American film crew believe they have found the perfect location when they are led to a Victorian Manor House.
The Manor
Agent Logan returns to base where he meets operator Anna. But someone is attempting to infiltrate their facility.
C600: Infiltration
Agent Logan is sent to investigate a malfunctioning C600 robot. What will he discover?