This entirely puertorican short film talks about how Nando, a stressed and anxious young adult goes on his first date with Laura, a girl he barely...
El First Date
Manolo finds a mysterious object that transports him to an alternate reality of Puerto Rico. There he meets Lorena, the beautiful gatekeeper whose...
23 Hours
A Puerto Rican saying haunts single women in their 30s: "If such a woman is not married by this time, she must be a slut, a lesbian, or a prude"....
Roberto is presented with a very unusual situation in his life: a date with the girl he likes.
La cita
Tita is a 12 year old girl that takes care of her little brothers because her mother is an alcoholic. She is being sexually abused by her mother's...
A film narrative on Puerto Rican playwright and journalist don Cayetano Coll y Toste. Three of his most famous stories are reenacted: "El Santo...
Leyendas de Puerto Rico
A comedy narrating the adventures of ten Puerto Ricans looking for a better life. The film centers on an airplane trip to New York during 1960's. It...
La guagua aérea
When an eight year old asks his mom "where do babies come from?", he is forced to embark on an adventure to reverse a spell he did himself.
Teorías de la cigüeña
In the wake of Fidel Castro's rise to power, over 14,000 unaccompanied children fled to the United States in hopes of a better life. Inspired by...
This is Your Cuba