Frustrated filmmaker, Barry Lick, sets out to attempt to make a documentary about a local businessman who he believes is involved in property...
Diary of a Bad Lad
Lucy has a social media channel where she hunts evidence of actual monsters, but it’s not doing great, with just a few viewers following her...
Werewolf Santa
A torrid night of passion and terror awaits Phillip after a chance meeting with a beautiful stranger, whose shocking secret past threatens to destroy...
In a Heartbeat
Stressed by a recent move and being a stay-at-home mom, Teeny takes out her bottled-up rage on her daughter Robbie. Only the help of her friends,...
When She Was Bad...
This sequel to the highly-rated 1979 TV movie provides another fictionalized behind-the-scenes glimpse at the comely squad and the pressures put on...
Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders II
The year is 400 AD in what is known now as Western Europe . After an unprovoked battle with local Germainian Barbarians The Roman is wounded and...
The Son of Raw's the Roman
When Sgt. First Class Brian Eisch is critically wounded in Afghanistan, it sets him and his sons on a journey of love, loss, redemption and legacy.
Father Soldier Son
89% of people in England have adopted a pay for sex lifestyle exchanging money for sex and the British Government now want a piece of the action.
Love Freely But Pay for Sex
After the tragic death of his brother Rafe, Jonah, alcoholic blues singer, discovers that he asks him in his last wishes to disperse his ashes. Only...
Black Smoke Rising