In a town in rural southern Spain, Antonia, a teenage mother, disappears in the middle of the night, leaving her baby behind. Fifty years later in...
The Permanent Picture
Charly García: 60x60 - El Ángel Vigia
Between October and December of 2011, while Charly Garcia was celebrating his birthday 60, he performed three concerts; The Vanguard is thus (La...
Charly García: 60x60 - Behind walls
With more than 100 artists, the Kirchner Cultural Center celebrates Charly García's 70th birthday with the event "Charly Cumple", a unique day...
Charly Cumple
Charly García: 60x60 - La Vanguardia es Así
Parallel Lines is a conceptual work composed and directed by Charly García, based on discovering what are formed when the two paralell lines...
Parallel Lines: Impossible Artifice