Amidst the traditional pomp and circumstance of Filipino elections, a quirky people’s movement rises to defend the nation against deepening...
And So It Begins
Filmmaker Mike De Leon released this short on the eve of the 1986 EDSA Revolt anniversary. During its 5 minutes, De Leon draws a harsh critique of...
Swamp Patch
Michael Moore's provocative documentary explores the two most important questions of the Trump Era: How did we get here, and how do we get out.
Fahrenheit 11/9
The searing story of President Duterte's bloody campaign against drug dealers and addicts in the Philippines, told with unprecedented and intimate...
On the President's Orders
In the Philippines, the journalist Maria Ressa fights a battle for democracy against president Duterte and his 'war on drugs', which has claimed tens...
We Hold the Line
Beastmode interweaves what at first sight seem to be two unconnected storylines: the first two years of rule by President Rodrigo Duterte of the...
Beastmode: A Social Experiment