Sam Giancana is a ruthless mob boss from Chicago. During a trip to Las Vegas, he sees a performance by the McGuire Sisters, a popular singing group...
Dreaming of becoming a big-time writer, young Zack comes across a strange old typewriter and begins composing a horror story about a voracious pink...
Goosebumps: The Blob That Ate Everyone
Father and son become entangled in their differences when they are accidentally handcuffed together....
Everything Is Connected
Ginny Grainger, a young mother, rediscovers the joy and beauty of Christmas, thanks to the unshakable faith of her six-year-old daughter Abbie and...
One Magic Christmas
A boy, expelled from military school, returns home to his fathers disappointment. He discovers that a motorcycle gang has been terrorizing his high...
Hog Wild
The apparent suicide of a politician he was hired to follow drags private detective Benny Cooperman into a whirlwind of hard boiled double crosses...
The Suicide Murders