When Mammie and Stan are freed from jail the two once again set their sights on eliminating the Black Petes and Saint Nicholas.
De Grote Sinterklaasfilm: Trammelant in Spanje
De Grote Sinterklaasfilm: De Strijd om Pakjesavond
In the latest musical family film De Grote Sinterklaas film: Gespuis in the Toy Vault, Hugo Hogepief is given the important task of looking after...
De Grote Sinterklaasfilm: Gespuis in de Speelgoedkluis
VARA exists 80 years! We celebrate this with the DVD you have in your hands. About 5 hours top entertainment from VARA's entertainment cabinet....
80 VARA Toppers!
De Kleine Grote Sinterklaasfilm
De Grote Sinterklaasfilm: Stampij in de bakkerij